@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import ( |
"fmt" |
"main_program/config" |
"main_program/entity" |
"regexp" |
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" |
"github.com/tealeg/xlsx" |
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ type moveDataService struct{} |
var MoveDataService moveDataService |
func (m *moveDataService) Start(table string, sqlitePath string, mysqlConfig config.MysqlEntity) { |
config.Logger.Info("开始迁移sqlite3到mysql") |
config.Logger.Info("开始迁移sqlite3到mysql...") |
sqliteDB, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", sqlitePath) |
if err != nil { |
config.Logger.Fatal(err) |
@ -27,21 +28,23 @@ func (m *moveDataService) Start(table string, sqlitePath string, mysqlConfig con |
dsn := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s)/%s?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local", mysqlConfig.User, mysqlConfig.Password, mysqlConfig.Host, mysqlConfig.Database) |
mysqlDB, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{}) |
if err != nil { |
config.Logger.Fatal("数据库连接失败") |
config.Logger.Fatal("数据库连接失败...") |
} |
config.Logger.Info("连接成功mysql...") |
if table == "Channel" { |
m.moveChannel(sqliteDB, mysqlDB) |
} else if table == "Videos" { |
m.moveVideos(sqliteDB, mysqlDB) |
} |
} |
func (m *moveDataService) moveChannel(sqliteDB *sql.DB, mysqlDB *gorm.DB) { |
config.Logger.Info("读取xlsx获取region") |
config.Logger.Info("读取xlsx获取region...") |
file, err := xlsx.OpenFile("D:/Work/Code/youtube_dev/youtube-golang/main_program/moveData/channel_region.xlsx") |
if err != nil { |
config.Logger.Fatalf("Error opening file: %s", err) |
} |
config.Logger.Info("开始迁移Channel表") |
config.Logger.Info("开始迁移Channel表...") |
// 从sqlite3获取前50个Channel
continueFlag := true |
for continueFlag { |
@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ func (m *moveDataService) moveChannel(sqliteDB *sql.DB, mysqlDB *gorm.DB) { |
continueFlag = tmpRows.Next() |
tmpRows.Close() |
} |
config.Logger.Info("完成迁移Channel表...") |
} |
func (m *moveDataService) getRegionByChannelId(channnelId string, file *xlsx.File) string { |
@ -103,3 +106,65 @@ func (m *moveDataService) getRegionByChannelId(channnelId string, file *xlsx.Fil |
} |
return "" |
} |
func (m *moveDataService) moveVideos(sqliteDB *sql.DB, mysqlDB *gorm.DB) { |
config.Logger.Info("开始迁移Videos表...") |
continueFlag := true |
count := 0 |
for continueFlag { |
rows, err := sqliteDB.Query("SELECT * FROM Vidoes_copy WHERE isCopy = 0 and channelId != '' limit 1000") |
if err != nil { |
config.Logger.Fatal(err) |
} |
videoList := list.New() |
for rows.Next() { |
videoCopy := new(entity.VideoCopy) |
if err := rows.Scan(&videoCopy.Id, &videoCopy.VideoId, &videoCopy.ChannelId, &videoCopy.VideoTitle, &videoCopy.VideoLen, |
&videoCopy.VideoType, &videoCopy.VideoPublishTime, |
&videoCopy.VideoLanguage, &videoCopy.IsDownload, &videoCopy.IsCopy); err != nil { |
config.Logger.Fatal(err) |
} |
videoList.PushBack(videoCopy) |
} |
rows.Close() |
var videos []entity.Video |
for e := videoList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() { |
videoCpoy := e.Value.(*entity.VideoCopy) |
video := new(entity.Video) |
video.VideoId = videoCpoy.VideoId |
video.ChannelId = videoCpoy.ChannelId |
re := regexp.MustCompile("[\U00010000-\U0010ffff\u2600-\u27BF\u1f300-\u1f64F\u1f680-\u1f6FF\u2700-\u27BF]+") |
video.VideoTitle = re.ReplaceAllString(videoCpoy.VideoTitle, "") |
video.VideoLen = videoCpoy.VideoLen |
video.VideoType = videoCpoy.VideoType |
video.VideoPublishTime = videoCpoy.VideoPublishTime |
video.VideoLanguage = videoCpoy.VideoLanguage |
video.IsDownload = videoCpoy.IsDownload |
videos = append(videos, *video) |
} |
result := mysqlDB.CreateInBatches(videos, 100) |
if result.Error != nil { |
config.Logger.Error(result.Error) |
break |
} |
for e := videoList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() { |
videoCpoy := e.Value.(*entity.VideoCopy) |
// 修改sqlite里状态
sqlStr, err := sqliteDB.Prepare("UPDATE Vidoes_copy SET isCopy = 1 WHERE id = ?") |
if err != nil { |
config.Logger.Error(err) |
} |
_, err = sqlStr.Exec(videoCpoy.Id) |
if err != nil { |
config.Logger.Error(err) |
} |
sqlStr.Close() |
} |
count += 1 |
config.Logger.Infof("count:%d", count) |
tmpRows, _ := sqliteDB.Query("SELECT * FROM Vidoes_copy WHERE isCopy = 0 and channelId != '' limit 1") |
continueFlag = tmpRows.Next() |
tmpRows.Close() |
} |
config.Logger.Info("完成迁移Videos表...") |
} |